

One of the things that makes our cats so special to us are their unique personalities and quirks. These quirks make us laugh and make them so dear to us. We do our best to share them with photos and videos, but sometimes we aren’t quick enough to capture them, so we thought that we’d share some of those with you all here.

Parker is very well behaved and respectful. When she comes over to sit on mom, she is very cautious. She only takes a few steps at a time and watches mom’s face to make sure that mom isn’t hurt by her approach and that mom is welcome to Parker snuggles. Mom’s other favorite thing that Parker does is that she lets out a tiny meow whenever she lands from jumping. It’s like she’s letting us know that she has arrived.

Lily is mom’s personal bodyguard.  Even though Lily might not be sitting right next to mom, Lily always has an eye on her. If Lily realizes that she can’t see where mom is, she goes around meowing and looks for her. When mom has to travel for work, Lily stands at the bedroom door meowing thinking that mom must be hiding in there somewhere.

Jasmine loves being around her pawrents. Whenever mom or dad come home from work, Jasmine runs to stand on whatever is closest to the front door so that she can reach them to greet them when they walk in. Jasmine meows and purrs and accepts the abundance of kisses she receives when mom and dad get home. She is always so happy when the whole family is together.

Mom’s favorite thing that all the girls do is they let her sleep on the weekend. Monday through Friday, Parker, Lily and Jasmine all know that they are fed at 6am sharp. Somehow though, the girls know when it’s the weekend, and on Saturday and Sunday, the meowing doesn’t start until 8am. They’re such smart and lovely cats. We love and appreciate every quirk they have to offer.

4 thoughts on “Quirks

    1. We’re so glad that you are enjoying our blog. That is our goal with it – to share a little more of the girls than can come across in a photo or video. Keep on checking in as we plan to write regularly <3

  1. ?adne klatki pokieruj? na pi?tro, gdzie b?d? funkcjonalne wn?trza a tak?e ?azienka. Z drugiej strony w przypadku gdy rodzina jest ma?a pomieszczenie nale?y zaplanowa? projektuj?c warsztat. Hej!

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